Due to sudden illness, Rabbi Donniel Hartman has had to cancel his participation in our Futureshock: Jewish Life in an Age of Change presentations. In his place, the esteemed Dr. Yehuda Kurtzer will join us for this exciting weekend series.
In his current Bulletin article, Blake Teichman shares some plans about the Sanctuary renovation project and seeks your input.
This year, as we mark our 60th anniversary, we introduce Mahzor Lev Shalem, a refreshingly new prayer book for the High Holy Days. Rabbi Baruch Frydman-Kohl shares his thoughts.
In light of the current crisis, Beth Tzedec has committed to sponsoring a Syrian refugee family of four. We need your help to move forward.
This musical group sings with Cantor Simon Spiro and the Beth Tzedec Singers at holiday services and performs in concerts at Beth Tzedec and in the community.
The Beth Tzedec sukkah is available free of charge for community members who would like to enjoy a home-cooked meal outdoors under the stars. The sukkah must be booked in advance. Contact Florence Bendelac at 416-781-3514 ext. 213 to inquire about availability.
Beth Tzedec will introduce a new, updated mahzor for this year's High Holy Days. Lev Shalem will replace the Silverman High Holy Day prayer book.
The Games Afternoon program has been cancelled on Thursday, September 24. It will resume on October 1.
Renew your membership online by clicking on the "Login/Register" button at the top of the page, by calling the Synagogue office or by dropping off your forms. The HHD Ticket office will be open Sunday morning from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon for those needing to renew their membership and/or pick up their HHD tickets.
When you send holiday greetings to family and friends, choose Treasures of Beth Tzedec tribute cards. Our beautiful Rosh Hashanah greeting card features a shofar from our Museum collection.
Registration for the Congregational School is open. JK/SK through Grade 7 classes are on Sunday mornings, with a mid-week one-hour Hebrew tutorial for Grades 3 to 7. For information, contact Jo Swartz at 416-781-3514 ext. 230.
As part of a highlight event for Beth Tzedec's 60th Anniversary celebrations, Cantor Spiro is compiling old photos and/or footage, and is looking to you to help provide materials.
Two of the great human rights activists of our time, Natan Sharansky and the Hon. Irwin Cotler, open a community conversation on Human Rights and Jewish Life on Wednesday, July 15 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets on sale now.
Strategic Planning Focus Groups are now being scheduled to be held during the summer beginning in the last week of June. Share your vision of Beth Tzedec's future.
Rabbi Baruch Frydman-Kohl explores how self-restraint, steadiness and a sense of purpose slowly help us craft and sustain our souls.