News Archive

Join us for Sangria in the Sukkah!
Jul 22nd 2013
Young Professionals (ages 22 to 36) from Adath Israel, Beth David, Beth Emeth, Beth Sholom and Beth Tzedec are invited to gather in the Beth Tzedec sukkah on Sept. 24 for live music, sangria and tapas. Singles and couples are welcome.
Register Now for Hana Werner Lecture Series
Jul 22nd 2013
Back by popular demand, Hana Werner will present snapshots of the Biblical characters and great prophets of our people whose ideas molded us into a nation. Join us for one or all 10 sessions, starting on Oct. 2.
Our Phones Are Now In Service!
Jul 12th 2013
Our phone system was down from July 9 to 11 due to the storm, but we now have service! Any voicemail messages left during this time were lost. We apologize for any inconvenience this caused. Thank you for your patience while we worked to fix the problem.
Mishpacha Program Now Open for Registration
Jun 19th 2013
Beth Tzedec’s Mishpacha Program: Toddlers, Tunes and Treats (for children ages 1 to 3 with a parent, grandparent or caregiver) is now open for registration for the Fall and Winter sessions.
2013-2014 Book & Film Club Selections Announced
Jun 12th 2013
The Beth Tzedec Max & Beatrice Wolfe Library has announced the 2013-2014 Book and Film Club selections. The sessions run from September to May.
Rav Adam Selected for the Fifth Rabbinical Leadership Initiative
Jun 7th 2013
Mazel Tov to Rabbi Adam Cutler who was selected as one of the 27 members of Rabbinic Leadership Initiative by The Shalom Hartman Institute, a leader in sophisticated, idea-based Jewish education for community leaders and change agents. 
Notice to Members - Election Results
Jun 6th 2013
Download the results of the 2013 Election for the Board of Governors of Beth Tzedec Congregation.
New Date - Cook 'n' Shook
Jun 4th 2013
Cook 'n' Shook was originally scheduled for Tuesday, June 4. Due to conflicting programming in the building, the program will be held on Wednesday, June 5. 
Annual General Meeting and Election - Important Voting Information
May 23rd 2013
The Beth Tzedec Annual Meeting will take place on Thursday, May 30 at 7:30pm.  Find out about advance poll, voting and AGM information, and download the full AGM package. 
Investing in Futures: Synagogues are Nimble Institutions
May 21st 2013
Rabbi Frydman-Kohl provides an overview and shares his insights about the future of North American synagogues following the "The End of the Synagogue as We Know It?" -- the two-part series presented by Beth Tzedec, Holy Blossom and the Centre for Jewish Studies of the University of Toronto 
Calling All 2013-2014 High School Students
May 16th 2013
We're looking for volunteers to help in the youth activity rooms and other places in the Synagogue on the High Holy Days. If you're interested, contact Aily Leibtag at 416-781-3514 ext. 239. You'll receive more information after you sign up.
Farewell and Todah Rabah from the Shinshinim
May 16th 2013
"It is so hard to believe that the end is near. We wanted to be able to say goodbye to all of Beth Tzedec and thank you for an incredible year," write Inbar and Alon as they prepare to leave Beth Tzedec and return to Israel. 
We're Making Progress, Together
May 16th 2013
"Four years ago, when I became chair of Beth Tzedec’s Board of Governors, there were so many things I hoped to accomplish, in partnership with then incoming President Norman Kahn and the support of our new  Executive and Board," writes Carolyn Kolers in the most recent President's Message.
Annual General Meeting
May 13th 2013
The Beth Tzedec Annual Meeting will take place on Thursday, May 30 at 7:30pm.  Members can download the full AGM package here.
Register for the 2013-2014 School Year
May 9th 2013
Classes start Sunday, September 8, 2013. Parents wishing to register their children for the Congregational School should download and complete the registration form and return it to the Synagogue office.