News Archive

Sharing a Mission
May 28th 2015
Blake Teichman shows that by lending our voice, we participate in the transformation and strengthening of the kehillot.
Beth Tzedec Seeks a Youth Director
May 11th 2015
Beth Tzedec Congregation is seeking a Youth Director within our Youth and Family Programming department. 
Men's Club Needs Your Help
May 7th 2015
The third annual Golf Classic fundraiser is confirmed for Thursday, May 28 at King's Riding Golf Club. The Men's Club urgently requires promotional items to give away to the participants.
A Virtual Introduction from our Shinshinim
May 5th 2015
Yarin Sasson and Avishag Bergstein, our 2015-2016 Shinshinim (young Israeli emissaries) have posted a 'virtual' introduction. Take a look ... 
Cantor Spiro on Zoomer Radio
May 4th 2015
Monday, May 4, our very own Cantor Simon Spiro will be featured in an intervies on ZoomerRadio AM740. He will be on the "Afternoon Express" with Norm Edwards at  2:20 p.m., and then will be featured on New Classical 96.3 FM on "Bill's Classical Jukebox" at 2:30 p.m.
Jewish BRCA Support Group
Apr 2nd 2015
Beth Tzedec Congregation is organizing a support group for Jewish adults who have tested positive for the BRCA genes. 
Building for the Future: A Transformation
Mar 25th 2015
Blake Teichman unveils some of the plans taking shape on the Synagogue's renovation front.
Best of Times or Worst of Times
Mar 25th 2015
Rabbi Baruch Frydman-Kohl shares his experiences and thoughts on his recent trip to Poland and Israel.
March Bulletin Now Available
Mar 18th 2015
The latest edition of the Beth Tzedec Bulletin is available for download, and it has now been mailed to member homes.
Applause Passover Menu
Mar 16th 2015
Applause Catering is now accepting orders for Passover. All orders must be placed by 12:00 noon on Wednesday, March 25, and picked up on Friday, April 3 between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. 
Congregational School in the CJN
Feb 26th 2015
Beth Tzedec Congregational School was featured in the February 27 issue of the Canadian Jewish News. In the article, Daniel Silveman, Director of Education and Family Programming, discusses the innovations and new initiatives in the program.
Purim Greeting Cards
Feb 9th 2015
When you send Purim greetings to family and friends, choose Treasures of Beth Tzedec tribute cards. Our beautiful Purim greeting card features a greggar from our museum collection. 
Food, Words and Song
Jan 16th 2015
Rabbi Baruch Frydman-Kohl explores the interconnections between food, words and music and how each is reflected in our identity and on our tradition.
Havurat HaSefer Cancelled Tonight
Jan 14th 2015
H̱avurat HaSefer is cancelled so that participants can join the community memorial ceremony at Shaarei Shomayim Congregation for the victims of the Paris terrorist attacks. To register, click here.
Beth Tzedec Responds to Paris Terrorist Incidents
Jan 13th 2015
Rabbi Baruch Frydman-Kohl shares his thoughts on the recent terrorist incidents in France.