News Archive

Kabbalat Shabbat on August 17
Aug 3rd 2018
Kabbalat Shabbat services this evening—Friday, August 17—will held indoors in the Hendeles Chapel due to the threat of rain and thunderstorms this evening.
AGM - Tuesday, May 29
May 25th 2018
The Annual General meeting of the Congregation will be held on Tuesday, May 29 at 7:30 p.m. The official notice of the AGM was mailed today and the information is now available online. You may access a copy of the packet by clicking the link below.
Your Feedback Requested
May 10th 2018
Senior Rabbi candidate Rabbi Steven Wernick visited Beth Tzedec from May 10-13. As a crucial part of the Senior Rabbi Search Committee's process, we invite you to share your thoughts about your experience.
Message from the President: Modernizing Our By-Laws
May 7th 2018
I am delighted to provide you with proposed new by-laws to govern Beth Tzedec’s operations moving forward. This past year, Brian Segal, our member and a lawyer with experience in drafting by-laws in the not-for-profit sector, established a By-laws subcommittee of the Executive Committee.
#TorontoStrong Vigil
Apr 26th 2018
Rabbi Frydman-Kohl's call for #TorontoStrong interfaith vigil was answered by community, political and interfaith members, and over 25,000 attended the gathering at the site of last week's attack. Rav Baruch's comments are below. For media coverage, see here National Post coverage>> and CTV News coverage>> 
Shavuot Streamed Services: Your Feedback Requested
Apr 20th 2018
This past week, we undertook our first foray into live-streaming our Shabbat/holiday services with the Shavuot services on Friday and Saturday. As a crucial part of our oversight process, we invite you to share your thoughts with us through the SurveyMonkey questionnaire. Deadline for submissions: Wednesday, June 3.
JTS Webinar with Chancellor Eisen
Apr 16th 2018
Tuesday, April 17 at 7:00 pm—An exclusive webinar on "Israel at 70: Bridging Divides". Activists and experts in Israel and North America report evidence of a growing divide between the world's two most important Jewish communities. Chancellor Eisen will discuss the pressing issue against the background of modern Jewish history and thought.
Beth Tzedec Town Hall Meeting
Apr 5th 2018
Members of Beth Tzedec Congregation are invited to a Town Hall meeting to review the proposed governance changes to the bylaws of Beth Tzedec’s constitution and raise any concerns before the bylaws are submitted for consideration at the AGM in late May. Brian Segal, the chair of the By-Laws Committee, will chair the meeting
Power Outage
Apr 2nd 2018
July 16 at 2:15 p.m.--Due to the excessive rainfall, the power is out at Beth Tzedec and most locations throughout the city. We have no email access and limited phone access. Services this evening will continue as scheduled, at 7:00 pm. We will update this message as information comes in.
Applause Catering Menus
Mar 19th 2018
Applause Catering provides catering and food & beverage services for all events held at Beth Tzedec. For information about their menu options, click here or contact them directly at 416-628-9198.
The Search is On
Mar 7th 2018
As we began the search for a successor to Rav Baruch who retires in 2019, we learned that Rav Adam would be leaving in March. We struck an Associate Rabbi Search Committee to fill our short-term and longer-term need. In the interim, we have engaged Rabbis Jennifer Gorman and Moshe Meirovich to provide clergy and pastoral support.
Applause Passover Menu
Feb 2nd 2018
Applause Catering is accepting orders for Passover. All orders must be placed by 12:00 noon on Friday, March 16, and picked up on Friday, March 30 from 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Get your orders in now!
Beth Tzedec Open
Jan 8th 2018
January 10 - All programs and classes at Beth Tzedec will resume beginning at 8:00 am this morning, Wednesday, January 10.
Women as Public Prayer Leaders
Nov 23rd 2017
Rabbi Frydman-Kohl authored a teshuvah that continues a multi-decade process of engaging Jewish women in daily prayer and public ritual at Beth Tzedec. By determining that women have comparable obligations and responsibilities to Jewish men for daily prayer, he has opened the door for women to serve as sheliẖot tzibbur.
Parenting the Parashah
Nov 22nd 2017
Daniel Silverman launches a new Shabbat learning initiative for parents focusing on topics related to parenting and family life. On November 25, join him for "Challenging Family Dynamics: What We Can Learn from Jacob, Leah and Rachel. Check out Daniel's recorded introduction.