Beth Tzedec Calendar

March 2025
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 1st of Adar
Terumah, Shabbat Shekalim
6:47p - Havdalah
2 2nd of Adar
3 3rd of Adar
4 4th of Adar
5 5th of Adar
6 6th of Adar
7 7th of Adar
5:55p - Candle Lighting
8 8th of Adar
Tetzaveh, Shabbat Zachor
6:56p - Havdalah
9 9th of Adar
10 10th of Adar
11 11th of Adar
12 12th of Adar
13 13th of Adar
Ta'anit Esther
14 14th of Adar
7:04p - Candle Lighting
15 15th of Adar
Ki Tissa
8:05p - Havdalah
16 16th of Adar
Shushan Purim
17 17th of Adar
18 18th of Adar
19 19th of Adar
20 20th of Adar
21 21st of Adar
7:12p - Candle Lighting
22 22nd of Adar
Vayakhel, Shabbat Parah
8:14p - Havdalah
23 23rd of Adar
24 24th of Adar
25 25th of Adar
26 26th of Adar
27 27th of Adar
28 28th of Adar
7:21p - Candle Lighting
29 29th of Adar
Pekudei, Shabbat Hahodesh
8:22p - Havdalah
30 1st of Nisan
Rosh Chodesh Nisan
31 2nd of Nisan
March 14 14th of Adar
- Candle Lighting
March 16 16th of Adar
Shushan Purim