Announcing Beth Tzedec's 1-4-7 Draw, a raffle for one of two great packages for a stay at the fabulous Four Seasons Residence Club in Scottsdale, Arizona, plus $500 cash. Only 136 tickets will be sold ... get your ticket today!
June 11 to 14, Beth Tzedec will welcome a unit of discharged IDF soldiers in the Peace of Mind program. To bring this program to Toronto, we partner directly with POM Canada, and your generous support is needed. To help us reach our goal, click here>>
Meet Maayan Lange and Ishay Frenkel, our new shinshinim for 2017-2018, through their entertaining and informative video introduction. We look forward to welcoming them both to Beth Tzedec and Toronto in September!
NEW TIME—Rabbi Baruch Frydman-Kohl's class, Subversive Stories: Rabbinic Narratives about Life, Love and Loss, begins at 7:30 p.m. this evening, Monday, April 24.
When you celebrate, honour or commemorate family or friends, choose our Treasures of Beth Tzedec tribute cards. Our beautiful series of cards feature timeless treasures of our Congregation. To send a message, contact the Synagogue office at 416-781-3511.
Our Beth Tzedec family includes members dealing with life’s many challenges. So it was that Owen Weinstein, surrounded by family and friends, celebrated his Bar Mitzvah at Beth Tzedec on Shabbat morning, March 25. Owen worked closely with Cantor Sidney and Yacov to prepare for this wonderful simẖah. You can read his story here.
Pesaẖ is fast approaching. The deadline to sell your family's hametz is Thursday, March 29 at 6:00 p.m. Be sure to submit your sale form in advance. If you are unable to come in, you can download it, and email or fax the form to us.
Rabbi Frydman-Kohl is the co-author of a teshuvah accepted by the Committee on Jewish Law and Standards. Many people inquire about the standards of dress in synagogues, schools and social settings. "Modesty Inside and Out: A Contemporary Guide to Tzniut" is an attempt to respond to those queries.
Reminder—Clocks 'spring forward' this weekend. Please remember to advance your clocks and watches one hour when you retire Saturday night.
Beth Tzedec gets into the Purim spirit a little early ... with a fun, new musical!
Toronto Hydro has been undertaking a major
upgrade to infrastructure in the area around the synagogue. On Thursday,
February 16 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, the power to our building will be suspended.
Please note that the Yorkville Lunch 'n' Learn session with Yacov Fruchter has been cancelled for this Thursday, April 6. We look forward to seeing everyone at our next session.
On Friday, February 3, Beth Tzedec and numerous regional Jewish and Christian congregations stood in friendship and support of the Muslim community at mosques and Islamic centres around the city.
Your heartfelt outpouring of support with messages of strength, care and compassion to the Muslim community has been unbelievable. Thank you.
Beth Tzedec stands united with the Jewish community in condemning the murders at the Centre Culturel Islamique de Quebec. Join us at the Islamic Foundation of Toronto (441 Nugget Ave., Scarborough) on Friday, February 3 at 1:00 p.m. as a sign of friendship and rejection of violence.