News Archive

Visiting the Sanctuary Ark
Sep 15th 2020
For many years, it has been a tradition at Beth Tzedec to invite families and individuals to ascend to the Aron Ha-Kodesh on Yom Kippur. This year, we invite you to do so in the days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Families or individuals may register in advance to spend up to ten minutes at the Ark in the Sanctuary.
HHD Greetings from Synagogue Presidents
Sep 15th 2020
President Debbie Rothstein shared an important joint message of unity, community and support for our members from the Presidents of GTA Conservative Synagogues.
Accessing Online High Holy Day Services
Sep 15th 2020
Renewed members will be able to access all of our live and pre-recorded High Holy Days services with our brand new video hub. Click the link below to see how easy it is to access videos!
Reopening Our Doors
Aug 13th 2020
We are excited to announce that Beth Tzedec will begin reopening for in-person services with Minhah / Ma'ariv on Monday, August 17. Read the announcement from the Chair of our Reopening Taskforce here>> PLEASE NOTE that we will continue to offer online services for the foreseeable future. more info>>
Phones Are Working
Aug 4th 2020
Monday, August 4—Beth Tzedec's phone lines are back in service. Please feel free to contact us at your convenience.
Beth Tzedec Memorial Park: Hours Update
Jul 17th 2020
July 22, 2021—To protect the well-being of our community, we have revised protocols. The cemetery grounds will be open Sundays through Fridays from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. All gatherings on the cemetery grounds are limited to 100 people or less. Face masks and social distancing are required at all times. 
Yahrtzeit Notices
Jun 26th 2020
Please note that yahrtzeit notices will continue to be sent out via ShulCloud, our new member database system. Members should always check our website calendar to confirm service times.
Members Guide to ShulCloud
Jun 19th 2020
With the introduction of Beth Tzedec's new database, ShulCloud, each member should have received an email giving them access to their personal ShulCloud account. If your link has expired, or if you are having difficulty logging on, please email For a guide to using ShulCloud, click here>>
Join Our Services ... Virtually
Jun 5th 2020
You can find our weekday services on Zoom or broadcast on Friday evenings and Saturday mornings livestreamed to the "Daily Services" page. To link to the Daily Services page and the video player, click here>>
Statement Concerning Racism
Jun 3rd 2020
We affirm and support the Toronto Board of Rabbis' Statement Concerning Racism. "We call upon all people of faith and good conscious to deepen our commitment to these ideals and work together to eliminate systemic racism and advocate for a more just and peaceful society."
President's Remarks from the Annual Meeting
May 28th 2020
President Debbie Rothstein shared her address from the May 26 Annual Meeting of the Congregation.
Lighting Candles Over Shavuot
May 28th 2020
Rabbi Fryer Bodzin prepared a brief video explaining how to light candles over the next few days.
Minhah/Ma'ariv for Tuesday, May 26
May 26th 2020
Please note that the Zoom link for tonight's Minhah/Ma'ariv service has changed. You can join us here:​. We will return to our regular Zoom link for weekday evening services tomorrow.
Notice of Annual Meeting on Tuesday, May 26
May 25th 2020
By now, all Beth Tzedec members should have received, either via email or Canada Post, a notice with registration information for the online Annual Meeting of the Congregation, taking place on Tuesday, May 26, 2020.
Our Broadcasted Shavuot Services
May 24th 2020
As we begin the process of broadcasting services, you may be thinking about the best ways to create a meaningful service experience for yourself and your family. Please take the time to review these recommended browsers and operating systems for optimum performance. To view these requirements, click here>>