Legacy of Light Glossary of Terms


  • A financial arrangement where a donor provides a gift to Beth Tzedec in exchange for a fixed income stream for life.

Appreciated Property

  • An asset, such as real estate or securities, that has increased in value since it was purchased. Gifting appreciated property to Beth Tzedec can provide tax benefits while supporting the congregation.


  • An individual or organization designated to receive benefits from a will, trust, retirement plan, or life insurance policy. Naming Beth Tzedec as a beneficiary is a meaningful way to create a Jewish legacy.


  • A gift left to Beth Tzedec in a will or estate plan. Bequests can be a specific amount, a percentage of an estate, or the remainder after other distributions.

Charitable Gift Annuity

  • A planned giving arrangement where a donor transfers cash or property to Beth Tzedec in exchange for lifetime income payments and an immediate charitable tax deduction.

Charitable Trust

  • A trust established to support charitable organizations like Beth Tzedec while providing financial benefits to the donor or their heirs.

Estate Tax

  • A tax imposed on the transfer of an individual’s estate upon their passing. Charitable gifts to Beth Tzedec can reduce estate tax liability.

Executor (Personal Representative)

  • The individual named in a will who is responsible for managing the estate, ensuring assets are distributed according to the will, and handling final financial matters.


  • A person legally designated to care for a minor or dependent individual after the death of a parent or guardian.

Life Insurance Trust

  • A trust that holds a life insurance policy as its primary asset. This allows the proceeds to be managed for beneficiaries while reducing estate taxes.

Power of Attorney

  • A legal document that allows one person to act on another’s behalf in financial or medical decisions.

Retained Life Estate

  • A gift arrangement where a donor transfers property to Beth Tzedec while retaining the right to live in and use the property for life. Upon the donor’s passing, the property is transferred to the synagogue without probate.

Testamentary Trust

  • A trust created through a will, which only takes effect upon the donor’s passing.


  • A legal arrangement where a trustee manages assets on behalf of beneficiaries. Some trusts provide income to the donor or their family before benefiting Beth Tzedec.


  • The individual or institution responsible for managing a trust’s assets and distributing them according to the terms of the trust.


  • A legal document that directs how a person’s assets should be distributed after their passing. Including Beth Tzedec in your will ensures that your Jewish legacy continues for future generations.

This glossary provides a general overview and is not intended as legal or financial advice. We recommend consulting your professional advisors to determine the best planned giving strategy for you.