Beth Tzedec's phones and internet are working again. If you left a voicemail message over the last few days, you may need to call us again to receive a response. Most voicemail messages have been lost.
Due to a power outage in the neighbourhood, we are unable to livestream our Services today.
Due to the winter storm, Beth Tzedec Memorial Park cemetery is closed. The gates will reopen on Monday morning.
Due to a power outage at Beth Tzedec or in the neighbourhood, we are unable to livestream our Services today.
Our offices will be closed today (Friday) due to the winter storm. Staff will work from home and can be reached by phone or email. For staff contact information, click here. Morning and evening Services are intended to continue as scheduled. Please check our website for updates and changes.
Tax receipts for contributions made during 2022 will be emailed in the new year. If we do not have an email address, it will be mailed to your home. There is still time to top up charitable contributions or to conclude payment of annual dues before the tax year-end. Click here or email Joven Pinol to make payments.
Our administrative offices will be closed for the statutory holiday on Monday, January 2. All morning and evening services and special programs will continue as scheduled. Note that morning services will begin at 8:45 a.m. on Monday.
In celebration of Reb Steve being awarded a Doctor of Divinity from JTS, Beth Tzedec is pleased to host a Shabbat and Congregational Kiddush on December 3 in his honour. Our guest speaker will be Dr. Yizhar Hess, Deputy Chair of the World Zionist Organization.
Cantor Ezer has prepared materials for Saturday evening's Mizmor Monthly session, available for participants in person or via our livestream. To download the materials, click the link below.
For quick information about our services and programs on Shemini Atzeret and Simhat Torah, click HERE. For more detailed information, including our festive Simẖat Torah Hafakot, Simhat Torah Bash and Simhat Torah luncheon, please click HERE.
Beth Tzedec is committed to finding meaningful ways to stay connected to, and engage with, our congregants. EVERY $2 YOU GIVE WILL RESULT IN $3 FOR BETH TZEDEC! Please give generously to ensure we have the financial resources to pursue new and creative initiatives. To make a contribute, click here>>
If you are following our Holy Day services via our livestreams, you may want to download the Yizkor Memorial Book for our Shemini Atzeret Services (October 17). You can download it from the link below.
To participate online, please click to In the event of any issue with livestream channel, we have created an alternate site for streaming access.
Please note that our offices will be closed for Sukkot—Monday, October 10 and Tuesday, October 11. We will not be accessing phone or email messages until Wednesday morning.
All tickets were mailed for members who registered or renewed before September 16. If you do not have your tickets yet, click HERE for instructions to ensure access to the shul is seamless.