Shabbat Shirah is
centered around two Biblical songs or poems of victory. This week’s Torah
reading includes the Song of the Sea, sung by Moses and the Israelites after
crossing the Sea of Reeds and witnessing Pharaoh’s pursuing army drown in the waters.
This week’s Haftarah highlights Deborah the Judge’s song of victory after the
Israelite forces under her leadership defeated the...
From the perspective of the biblical narrative and the haggadah, each plague upon Egypt is more severe than the previous one, and Pharoah is worn down until after the final plague, Israel is set free. The perspective of this weeks haftarah from the book of Ezekiel is different. There is only one plague. That is the first plague:“Thus said the Lord God: I am going to deal with you, O Pharoah...
While we just rang in 2024, and although Rosh Hashanah is nine months away and not typically on our radar at this present moment, there is a High Holyday liturgical connection in this week’s Torah portion Shemot that I would like to share. In Exodus 1:16, Pharaoh issues a barbarous order to the Hebrew midwives to kill all newborn Hebrew boys while letting the newborn Hebrew girls...
In this week’s Torah reading, Jacob calls his children together to tell them the future: Heasfu, v’agidah et lakhen yet asher yikrah etkhem b’akharit hayamim – Gather together and I will tell you what will be at the end of time. But in the verses that follow there are no predictions or prophecies. Nistam mimenu hakeytz, say the commentaries, “the end of hidden from him.” Jacob who at...
spent two and a half days in Israel this week, on a solidarity mission with
other North American Conservative rabbis. We came to Israel to bear witness and
to offer support to our Masorti rabbis in Israel. Masorti rabbis have
spent every day since October 7 going to funerals and shivas, organizing prayer
spaces and offering multiple forms of support. We came to...
Today is the final day of Hanukkah and this
morning was the final Hallel for the holiday.Each morning of the eight days of Hanukkah, we
recite Hallel – the Service of Praise - as we do on other joyous
occasions including Rosh Hodesh (the beginning of the new month),
and on each of the three Pilgrimage Festivals. Hallel is a collection of
psalms that recall the celebration of the Festivals...
Beth Tzedec Bulletin - Winter 2023 EditionWe have identified an error which occurred during the latest Bulletin editorial process in which the wrong author was attributed to the article entitled “Microaggressions” on page 35. The article was mistakenly credited to Debbie Rothstein, Immediate Past President. It was actually penned by Corinne Promislow, a Board Director and member of...
Beth Tzedec Bulletin - Winter 2023 EditionThe latest edition of the Beth Tzedec Bulletin is available for download. Let's celebrate, learn, pray and connect as a community with the many opportunities offered throughout our quarterly catalogue of programs, events and articles.Don't miss any of the news and excitement, including:Patti Rotman's "From the President" article (page...
We gratefully acknowledge the donors who have contributed to the Rabbi Baruch Frydman-Kohl Endowment Fund, supporting the Beth Tzedec Centre for Spiritual Well-Being. The list includes donors from June 2020 through November 2023.To view the list, click here>>
Of the three Biblical
patriarchs, we spend the most time with Jacob. We meet Jacob before he is even
born and follow his life from beginning to end. In his youth we learn of his
sibling rivalry with his older brother Esau. We read of his 20 years with his
uncle Lavan, arriving empty-handed as a single young man and departing with two
wives, two concubines, 12 children and lots of wealth. We...
In November, we were pleased to launch our Giving Tuesday Campaign, a special opportunity for our Generations Members to make a difference to Beth Tzedec. Whether our members are passionate about volunteering their time or contributing financially, every effort matters. Thanks to the generosity of a caring member, funds will be matched 3-1 up to $10,000, until December 31st. That...
Join members of the Jewish community from across the country on Monday, December 4 at Parliament Hill in Ottawa as we unite and rally in our nation's capital.For the hostages. For the people of Israel. For the safety of Jewish Canadians.UJA has arranged for bus transportation from multiple locations in the GTA. The cost of the bus is $36; reservations are required. To reserve a seat, click...
For the past seven weeks, synagogues around the world have added prayers for the safe return of the hostages. Some are prayers that already appear in our printed siddurim. In times of great stress, some congregations re-introduce the responsive recitation of Psalm 130 every morning as is done between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. (“Out of the depths I call to you, Adonai, hear my cry, head me...
Jacob and Esau could not be more different in terms of their demeanors and physical make-up. Esau was hairy, Jacob smooth; Jacob was a tent dweller and Esau a hunter. Jacob was quiet and cunning while Esau was loud and boorish. There was, however, one similarity between them. Both brothers had name changes. In two weeks, we will read parshat Vayishlaḥ which recounts Jacob’s fierce battle with...
Yesterday was the 85th anniversary of Kristallnacht, The Night of the Broken Glass. Kristallnacht was a Pogrom, orchestrated by Hitler’s Nazi government, in which Jews across Germany were beaten and arrested, many sent to concentration camps, Jewish-owned stores and synagogues were defaced or burned. Of course, violence usually doesn’t come from out of nowhere; it is often the outcome of...