
A Message from the President on Rav Baruch's Continuing Connection to Beth Tzedec
Sheldon Rotman
May 24th 2019

“Aseh l’kha rav uk’neh l’kha haver — Make for yourself a rabbi and acquire for yourself a friend” Pirkei Avot

In recognition of his twenty-six years of service as Beth Tzedec’s Senior Rabbi, we are pleased to announce that the Board of Directors has conferred upon Rabbi Baruch Frydman-Kohl the title of Rabbi Emeritus.  The title “emeritus" is our way of recognizing and honouring Rav Baruch and the place he holds both as a member of our community and as one of our teachers of Torah.

In addition to the title of Rabbi Emeritus, Rabbi Frydman-Kohl will continue to serve our community on a part-time basis for the next three years, focusing his efforts on our new Centre for Spiritual Well-Being.  This initiative will be the framework through which we make Jewish wisdom and practice accessible to those who are otherwise not engaged in our synagogue’s life. The Centre will seek to engage our members in new ways through healing services, mindfulness experiences, pastoral care, wellness and various support groups. It will be funded by the Rav Baruch Frydman-Kohl Endowment, in recognition of his impact on our community as our Rabbi and friend. This is part of our continuing commitment to making our shul a welcoming community.

Rav Baruch will also present an annual lecture, provide spiritual care and teach courses.  He will officiate at some life-cycle events in coordination with our new Senior Rabbi, Steven Wernick, and fill in when our rabbinic team is on vacation or engaged in professional training.

Rav Baruch’s continued part-time professional engagement will allow us to maintain our excellence in pastoral care, and advance our goals for the new Centre.

We look forward to continuing his legacy and expanding his impact.