
Our youth programming provides age-appropriate opportunities for children at Beth Tzedec to become involved in the Synagogue community. Taking part in Beth Tzedec youth programs is a fantastic way to make friends, try something new and have fun. Our youth groups cover kindergarten to high school. There is no need to "join" any group; new participants are always welcome and are encouraged to bring along their friends, even those who are not members of Beth Tzedec. 

Our youth programming is based on age and grade bands, so that participants will be able to craft friendships with similarly aged peers. Our current programming groups are as follows:

Nitzanim (buds) is for children in senior kindergarten to Grade 2 and Gesher (bridge) is for children in Grades 3 through 5. These groups have programs approximately once per month, usually at Beth Tzedec.

Kadima (forward) is for kids in Grades 6 through 8. There are usually opportunities to participate twice per month, with the programming blending social experiences and volunteering, as well as one weekend Shabbaton out of town.

BTUSY, our group for high school students, offers a full calendar of social, religious and áº–esed opportunities, many of which will provide community service hours. Teens are also invited to join the BTUSY Chapter Board and get involved in organizing, promoting and running teen programs at the shul. Beyond Beth Tzedec, our teens will be able to participate in USY on a city-wide and regional level, attending programs and conventions with teens from other synagogues across Ontario.

Our goal is to ensure that our calendar offers positive, engaging experiences for all children, through holiday programming, Israel engagement and social events. For more information about any of youth programs or events, please contact our Director of Education and Family Programming, Daniel Silverman at 416-781-3514 ext. 231.

Nadav Teen

High School Volunteer Program

Mar 23 2025, 7:00PM to 9:00PM in the Mezzanine Hall.

Join us monthly as we gather to learn about different causes in our community, and participate in a hands-on activity. We'll spend the first half hour discussing the organization, their impact, and the work they do, and the remaining time working on the project.

We will meet one Sunday a month, from 7 - 9 pm.

This event is a series, and registering for it indicates a commitment to attend for the duration of the year (Sept 2024 - June 2025). At the end of the year, participants will receive 20 community service hours.

Register here:

Questions? Reach out to Hannah Wohl (

Event Details
For Information:
Hannah Wohl
  • Youth
  • Community Action