20s and 30s

BT 20s & 30s builds community by providing social, educational and social action programming for adults aged 22 to 40.

We offer always popular monthly Shabbat dinners, Small Groups, learning opportunities with partners such as Lishma and Shoresh, nature and mindfulness retreats led by Aviva Chernick, meaningful volunteer/ẖesed opportunities and holiday parties.

Reach out to Yacov Fruchter, Director of Community Building and Spiritual Engagement at 416-781-3514 ext. 279 or yfruchter@beth-tzedec.org to learn more and to explore how you can get involved in a way that is meaningful for you. Watch for upcoming events in our weekly newsletters, social media, and listed in our calendar. 


Volunteer or Donate ... It's your choice!

Join our Generations Members in the 
Pay It Forward Campaign, Beth Tzedec’s initiative as part of the international GivingTuesday movement. Whether you choose to sign up to volunteer your time or make a financial donation, please know that your contribution is essential to the sustainability of Beth Tzedec.

Pay It Forward with Beth Tzedec. Help fuel our shul!

Hereditary Cancer: Know Your Risk

Jan 12 2025, 10:00AM to 12:00PM in the Mezzanine Hall.
NOTE: This event has already occurred.

Did you know: Ashkenazi Jews are ten times more likely than the general population to carry mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes that increase their risk for breast, ovarian, prostate and pancreatic cancers.

If you know: Understanding your genetic testing options can help you and your family make important decisions about how to manage any cancer risk.

Join us at Beth Tzedec for a panel discussion with experts on genetic mutations to learn more. There is no charge but pre-registration is requested. To register, click HERE.


Dr. Kelly Metcalfe, Senior Scientist, Women's Collect Research Institute
Dr. Steven Narod, Senior Scientist and Director of Familial Breast Cancer Research
Dr. Andrea Eisen, Medical Oncologist, Odette Cancer Centre, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Angelina Tryon, Genetic Counsellor, Women's College Hospital
Tamara Katz, Community member

Presented in partnership with BAYT and Beth Tzedec Centre for Spiritual Well-Being

Event Details
For Registration:
Synagogue Office
No charge
Beth Tzedec Congregation, The Peter Gilgan Centre for Women's Cancers, Women's College Hospital, Canadian Cancer Society
  • Seniors
  • Adults
  • Young Professionals