Our lives are full of activity. We have daily responsibilities and challenges, sorrows and semahot (joys). We often find ourselves so caught up in the “cycle of doing” that we don’t know where the time has gone. For many of us, good intentions about reading, physical activity and diet are swept away in a tsunami of busy-ness.
What about your intentions to become more involved with Judaism? As life unfolds, many of us find that the Judaism we were exposed to as children is not robust enough for complex adult challenges. James Fowler of Emory University argues that as we mature, we constantly re-frame our understanding of life. Harold Kushner’s book, When All You've Ever Wanted Isn't Enough: The Search for a Life That Matters, is directed to adults who realize that they want and need to reinvigorate their spiritual lives. Many want to explore Jewish insights, but don’t know where to begin. Others want to demonstrate to their children, rather than just tell them, that Jewish education is important.
The Rabbis of the Talmud gave sage advice when they counseled “devote regular time for Torah”. Beth Tzedec offers one of the most extensive and intensive programs for adult Jewish learning available in Toronto. Our weekly classes, our partnership with the Centre for Jewish Studies of the University of Toronto, our frequent guest lectures, films and seminars provide expanded educational opportunities for adults in our Congregation.
If you have considered having a Bar or Bat Mitzvah as an adult, we offer an integrated curriculum that will help you work toward your goal. It is never too late.
Through study we encourage members and guests to develop a relationship with God, with each other and with the Jewish tradition. We educate for content and personal meaning. Explore the many ways.
Rabbi Fryer Bodzin leads an in-depth look at the book of Deuteronomy/Sefer Devarim with traditional and modern commentaries. Having an Etz Chaim chumash on hand will be beneficial; other materials will be provided.
This learning series will be provided for in-person participation only. Pre-registration is required. To register, click HERE.
Presented as part of
The Institute for Jewish Learning in memory of Anne and Max Tanenbaum