
Rosh Hashanah Day 1 Appeal - New Beginnings
Sep 30th 2014

1 Tishrei 5775 ~ 25 September 2014

I hope that you have taken note of all the new spiritual experiences and intellectual opportunities we offer as part of our Synaplex during these Days of Awe.

In addition to our already robust Hot Topic discussions, youth programs, Family Service and the Mezzanine Minyan/Parallel Service, we have added a New Beginnings reader—with background essays on the prayers and themes of the holy days. I’ll refer you to some essays at appropriate points during the service.

What’s Brewing for young adults provides hot beverages and a drop-in lounge, time to meet and dialogue with some of our distinguished members, a meditation and chanting service and a Short and Sweet minyan. I encourage you to sample some or all of these offerings.

Why do all this? In the Torah reading last Shabbat, we read that in the process of teshuvah, turning, God will remove the barriers from your hearts and from the hearts of your descendants. Really? asked Rabbi Avraham Yitzhak haKohen Kook. Do they have different hearts?

This Hasidic rabbi who sought to reach out to the young pioneer halutzim building Eretz Yisrael, said YES. Each generation has its own intellectual, spiritual and emotional yearnings. Each generation has its own challenges, barriers and obstacles. Torah may be eternal, but its style, exposition and explanation must meet the needs of each new generation.

This year, we are investing significant resources in programs and initiatives to reach teens, young adults, and young professionals—a new generation. The congregation also provides substantial financial relief to enable all who want to be associated with our community to fully participate. We often host major community events and are in the process of a number of inclusion initiatives.

There are many other activities that cost far more than what membership dues can provide. Please consider investing your time and your tzedakah with us. Make a pledge of participation or philanthropy.

I want to remind you that the new siddurim which were donated by the Cohen and Weisfeld families last year can be inscribed in honour or in memory of loved ones. You may also inscribe one of the Etz Hayyim humashim that were donated by Anne Tannenbaum or choose to dedicate a seat in the Sanctuary. Please consider these as ways to support our congregation.

Finally, I am pleased to announce that a generous and anonymous member has offered a grant toward the purchase of new mahzorim for the coming High Holidays. This is a significant statement about our future and will enable all of you to pray with a more beautiful, engaging and uplifting prayerbook.

After 60 years, Beth Tzedec continues to be a place of spiritual life, intellectual vibrancy and communal excitement. Please help us continue and strengthen our community destiny for Jewish living.