Between Purim and Passover, we were privileged to host
Rabbi Daniel Gordis and Hon. Irwin Cotler as our Shabbat guests. They each
reiterated themes related to Jewish and Israeli life which I addressed during
the Days of Awe.
On the one hand, we have much for which to be grateful. The Jewish people made great strides from the time of the Balfour Declaration 90 years ago to the establishment of the State of Israel 60 years ago. We received international recognition of efforts to build a Jewish State, initiated a movement of Jews to the Land of Israel and formed a political-administrative structure to develop Jewish statehood. Our people passed through the horror of the Holocaust and moved from destruction to the redemptive reality of a Jewish State.
The frail and endangered newborn country of 1948 grew into a confident, strong Israel following the Six Day War. The State of Israel was critical to the rescue and resettlement of Jews from the Levant, Arabia, Eastern Europe and the former USSR. Israel has become a first-world country with a flourishing, knowledge-based economy, a strong commitment to democracy and human rights and a determination to defend its national interests. Moreover, the vibrancy of Israeli life has contributed to a tremendous renewal of Jewish culture and commitment in the Diaspora.
However, we also note a “gathering storm,” an ominous sense of foreboding that casts a shadow over the successes of Israel and Diaspora Jewry. Threats of Iranian sponsored terror in the north (from Lebanon), active attacks in the south (from Gaza), and the steady development of the Iranian atomic bomb all threaten the possibility of peace. The rise of radical Islam, terrorist threats to Jewish institutions in the Diaspora, and the recrudescence of anti-Semitism create great unease.
Singling out Israel by the international community for excessive criticism is part of an effort to undermine its legitimacy as a nation-state. The criticism of Jews as a “powerful lobby” seeks to defame our efforts and to diminish our rights of free speech and petition. While Palestinians must be treated with dignity, the State of Israel has the right to defend its territory and citizens. International criticism of Israel’s justified defence and a denial of its sincere efforts to achieve peace with the Palestinians contribute to an inversion of a narrative celebrating the return of an aboriginal people to its land, language and culture and lead to a weakening of internal confidence in our historic mission.
The problems and challenges are real. So are the achievements. We must not lose sight of the many accomplishments of Israel. The Israeli narrative of progress and redemption may require some revision, but the essential elements of the story remain true. Rabbi Gordis and Professor Cotler challenged us to reclaim our narrative by deeper self-knowledge and a more forceful advocacy of Zionism and a Jewish state as legitimate expressions of the national identity of our people.
It is critical that we share with others the many ways that Israel includes people of different ethnic and religious background, thus giving the lie to charges of apartheid. It is essential that we point out that the continued condemnation of Israel by UN and other international bodies demonstrates deep bias, weakens the legitimacy of those organizations and undercuts the very cause of human rights they claim to uphold. It is crucial that we visit Israel and support efforts to enable a new generation to experience the excitement of a people reborn in its ancient land.
As I have written before, we are facing a “long war” that initially targets Israel, but over time endangers much of democratic civilization. Our efforts on behalf of Israel are also important in the struggle to maintain the vitality of democratic institutions, the legitimacy of free speech, and the open expression of culture.
As Prof. Cotler reminded us, Jewish self-respect and defence of Israel can and should be framed within a powerful concern for human rights. This resonates with others and allows us to “reclaim the narrative.” We must speak about these issues in the public square and not confine these conversations to the Jewish community. We must gird ourselves with knowledge, faith and hope in order to strengthen our commitment to the future.
Sixty years ago, on erev Shabbat, 5 Iyar 5708 (14 May 1948), “placing trust in the Rock of Israel”, the Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel was signed. Its concluding words included a hopeful call to Jews everywhere that still resonate today: “We appeal to the Jewish people throughout the Diaspora to rally round the Jews of Eretz-Israel in the tasks of immigration and rebuilding and to stand by them in the great struggle for the realization of the age-old dream - the redemption of Israel.” That dream remains valid and vital and so does our role in this drama of hope.
Plan to join us for these celebrations of the 60th anniversary:
Wednesday, May 7- Celebration co-sponsored Beth Tzedec and Holy Blossom
Thursday, May 8 – Community Gala at Ricoh Coliseum
Shabbat, May 10 – Songs of Thanksgiving in Sanctuary Service
Sunday, May 25 – Walk with Israel from Coronation Park