Music Programs & Events

No matter what your age, background or musical taste, there is a place for you at The Music Synagogue of Toronto!

Photo credit: Andréa Cohen-B

Beth Tzedec Congregation has a long and illustrious history as The Music Synagogue of Toronto. And today, we honour past traditions by presenting opportunities to gather, celebrate, reflect, honour and remember through song.

Beth Tzedec is thrilled to present Divas on the Bima on Monday, June 19 at &;30 p.m. our next concert event—a night of song inspiration and celebration. The Divas—Cantors Jen Cohen, Magdalena Fishman, Alisa Pomerantz-Boro and Elizabeth Shammash—have hosted many performances through the United States. Join them as they perform an eclectic selection of Judaic, Broadway music, songs of Israel and popular music on our stage.

There is no charge but RSVPs are requested HERE>>

A Night of Musical Theatre

featuring Meir Briskman and Lishmoa El Harina

Oct 02 2022, 7:30PM to 9:30PM in the Herman Hall.
NOTE: This event has already occurred.

Renowned conductor Meir Briskman and the Lishmoa El Harina international choral ensemble invite you to an evening of Broadway hits with guest appearances by Cantors Moshe Fishel and Sidney Ezer, accompanied by pianist Asher Farber.

Please register here:

Event Details
For Information:
Synagogue Office
  • Music