Reuben & Helene Dennis Museum

After more than 50 years we have come to the end of the Beth Tzedec Reuben and Helene Dennis Museum.  

However, the core of the collection, The Cecil Roth Collection, will stay in Toronto in our leading museum, the Royal Ontario Museum, commonly known as ROM, where these cherished objects will help to continue educating Torontonians on Jewish culture.

A well- chosen group of mostly ritual objects from the collection are being kept at Beth Tzedec and will be displayed in the Hendeles Chapel and the new multiuse room (formally the museum), as well as two unique Torahs and accompanying ritual objects that are in the tall cases in the foyer.

To learn more click here >>

Zap! Pow! Oy! Jews and the Comic Book Industry

Oct 31 2018, 9:00AM to 9:00PM in the Reuben & Helene Dennis Museum.
NOTE: This event has already occurred.

This exhibit presents the Jewish storytellers, cartoonists and publishers who developed and influenced the comic book industry over the past 80 years. Guest exhibit curators: Steven Bergson and Ron Kasman

For information about this exhibit or to book a group tour, please contact museum curator Dorion Liebgott at 416-781-3514 ext. 232. Exhibit continues through March 2019.

Event Details
For Information:
Synagogue Office
No charge
The Beth Tzedec Reuben & Helene Dennis Museum
  • Museum Programs
  • Everyone