
Beth Tzedec Congregation's spiritual leaders and staff have been working for 40 days and 40 nights, possibly longer, to bring you a rich and meaningful Pesach, a fun and engaging Pesach, and a musical and vibrant Pesach, all in one place, at Beth Tzedec - as well as several Seders under our roof. If you can't join us in person, we have numerous Zoom programs offered to bring us together as a community. Beth Tzedec welcomes you to join us as we celebrate Passover together.

We wish you and your family a Chag Pesach Kasher v'Sameacand continued good health.

Passover Programs

Opportunities for Families

Open My Heart: Songs of Love on Shir Hashirim

Friday, April 19 at 5:00 p.m. (In person and via livestream)

"I was asleep but my heart was awake...the voice of my Beloved is knocking, let me in."
—(Shir Hashirim 5:2)

On this Shabbat before Pesachwe warm up our prayer space, our homes and our hearts with this pre-service concert highlighting the beautiful poetry of Shir Hashirim—Song of Songs. This musical event features Aviva Chernick, Beth Tzedec Spiritual Leader and Artist in Residence, Cantor Sidney Ezer together with producer, composer and musican Ari Posner and an amazing musical ensemble. 

We encourage you to join us in person and can't wait to welcome you in.

Pre-registration required for in-person and online participants. To register, click HERE.

A Pre-Passover Community Shabbat Dinner

Friday, April 19: Services 6:00 p.m. | Dinner 7:00 p.m. 

On this Shabbat before Pesachtake a break from the cleaning, cooking and Passover prep to join us for a delicious, catered dinner as and time to connect and celebrate as a community. 

Following the Open My Heart: Songs of Love for Shir Hashirim, a concert featuring Aviva Chernick and Cantor Sidney Ezer together with guest musican Ari Posner and an amazing musical ensemble, and our warm and welcoming Kabbalat Shabbat service, bring the family and join us for a delicious, catered pre-Passover dinner with time to connect and celebrate with neighbours, peers and friends.

Registration is now closed.

Pre-Passover Make-and-Take Program

for Families with kids up to age 7

Sunday, April 21 from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m.

Preparing for the Passover seders can be a hectic time, especially our little ones are trying to 'help'. We've got a creative solution—our Pre-Passover Make and Take Workshop!

Get some time for last minute seder prep while your little one and a special accompanying grown-up (a parent, grandparent, aunt or uncle!) gets to have their own time to create something all their own to contribute to your seder. Watch their eyes light up when they their creations get used in your family celebration! 

Cost: $5 per child. Pre-registration is required. Tor register, click HERE.

Opportunities for Adults

Second Seder with the Wernicks: A Community Passover Seder

Tuesday, April 23 beginning at 7:30 p.m.

Whether you're celebrating alone this year or hoping to recapture the fun of big, bustling Pesach meals, you're invited to share the second seder with Reb Steve and his family for a lively and engaging seder. We'll gather as a kehillah over a catered seder meal and share the story of Passover.

Cost: $75 per person. There are limited spaces; be sure to register by Tuesday, April 9.

Registration is now closed.

Opportunities for Youth

Hol HaMoadon: All Passover Edition of the Shabbat Games Cafe

Everyone is welcome!

Saturday, April 27 from 1:15 to 3:00 p.m.

It's Passover everywhere, even at the "Chosen Meeple" Shabbat Game Café, where all of our games are related to Passover! If weather permits, we'll set up the games tables in the playground. (In case of rain...or frogs...we'll meet in the Kimel Family Gym.)

Passover Playground Play On Pesach’s Last Day: Learn New Playground Games!

For kids ages 5 to 14

Tuesday, April 30 from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m.

Let’s celebrate the last day of Pesach learning how to play in a whole new way! 

How to do a cartwheel and other acrobatics? What’s the best way to throw a Frisbee like an Ultimate Frisbee champ? What other activities interest you— Double-Dutch, yoyo, badminton? Watch for other programs and registration information coming soon. Join us in the Beth Tzedec playground to build our sports and play skills. 

Watch for registration information coming soon.

Passover Resources

Hadar Pesach Reader 5784

Pesach celebrates the Jewish redemption story. And yet, as we peer into the narrative arc of our people—and, indeed, of the world—we cannot help but notice that redemption is not a static point in history or a one-time event. The Exodus is just one chapter in a long story still unfolding before us.

You can purchase copies of the Hadar Pesach Reader, an insightful and beautifully designed resource for enriching your celebrations of Passover. Cost: $18. To order your copy, click HERE. Note that the Hadar Reader can be picked up at the Synagogue.

Beth Tzedec's Passover Resource Guide

Our Spiritual Leadership Team has selected a list of Passover resources and materials that your family may want to incorporate into your seder celebrations. To download the list, click HERE.

Passover Service Times & Deadlines

Sunday, April 21 

Deadline to sell chametz through Beth Tzedec
7:30 p.m. 

Search for Chametz
After nightfall

To access the downloadable Sale of Chametz form, please click HERE.
To access the online Sale of Chametz form, please click HERE.

Monday, April 22: Ta'anit Bekhorot

Shacharit and Siyyum for the Fast of the First Born
7:30 a.m. in the Hendeles Chapel 
more info>>

Chametz Burning in Beth Tzedec Parking Lot
10:00 to 10:30 a.m. 

Festival Mincha-Ma'ariv
6:00 p.m. in the Hendeles Chapel 
In-person or 
via Livestream

Candle Lighting: 7:52 p.m.
First Seder after nightfall

Tuesday, April 23: Pesach Day 1

Sanctuary Service
9:00 a.m. in the Hendeles Chapel
In-person or via Livestream

Candle Lighting, from existing flame: 6:47 p.m.
Second Seder after nightfall

Wednesday, April 24: Pesach Day 2

Omer Day 1

Sanctuary Service
9:00 a.m. in the Hendeles Chapel
In-person or via Livestream

Festival Mincha-Ma'ariv
8:15 p.m. in the Hendeles Chapel
In-person or via Livestream

Havdalah: 8:54 p.m.

Sunday, April 28: Chol Hamoed Pesach

Omer Day 5

Shacharit Service
8:30 a.m. in the Hendeles Chapel
In-person or via Zoom

Festival Mincha-Ma'ariv
8:00 p.m. in the Hendeles Chapel
In-person or via via Livestream 

Candle Lighting: 7:59 p.m.

Monday, April 29: Pesach Day 7

Omer Day 6

Sanctuary Service
9:00 a.m. in the Hendeles Chapel
In-person or via Livestream

Festival Mincha-Ma'ariv
8:00 p.m. in the Hendeles Chapel
In-person or via Livestream

Candle Lighting, from existing flame: 6:53 p.m.

Tuesday, April 30: Pesach Day 8

Omer Day 7

Sanctuary Service, including Yizkor
9:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary
In-person or via Livestream

Festival Mincha-Ma'ariv 
9:00 p.m. in the Hendeles Chapel
In-person or via Livestream

Havdalah: 9:01 p.m.

Chametz sold through Beth Tzedec should not be consumed before 9:15 p.m.

Our Past Passover Opportunities

We hope you enjoyed participating in your Passover programs over the past weeks. If you would like any information about these programs, please contact the Synagogue Office at 416-781-3511 or

Pesach with Pizzazz, Seders with Snazz: Part One

for Parents and Grandparents of Young Children

Monday, April 8 at 8:30 p.m. (via Zoom)

Are you hosting the family seder this year that will have pre-schoolers and early years' youngsters waiting to be entertained? Penina, our Family Engagement Specialist, has got this covered!

Join us via Zoom to learn some new options for creating a developmentally engaging experience for the youngest minds around our seder tables! This program is perfect for parents and grandparents with younger children and grandchildren.

Pesach with Pizzazz, Seders with Snazz: Part 2

for Families with Teens

Wednesday, April 10 at 8:30 p.m. (via Zoom)

Teens around the seder table with no smartphones, tablets, YouTube or Snapchat—Just how do you keep them engaged and entertained? Penina, our Family Engagement Specialist, has got this covered!

Join us via Zoom to learn some new options for creating an engaging experience for our teens around our seder table! This program is perfect for parents and grandparents or any adult hosting a seder this year.

Pesach with Pizzazz, Seders with Snazz: Part 3


Thursday, April 11 at 8:30 p.m. (via Zoom)

Got a question or concern about your upcoming seder that has you stumped? Bring it on!

Bring us your crazy relatives, dietary dilemmas, Haggadic horrors, creative blocks, and let’s see if we can come up with answers—or find someone who can—to make your seder night pure delight for everyone gathered ‘round your table.

The Second-Ever Great Canadian Doll Seder

for kids in Grades 2 to 6

Sunday, April 14 from 1:00 to 2:15 p.m.

The great Canadian Doll Seder is back! Craft all the things your doll will need for their seder and take them on a Passover adventure. Bring your own 18-inch doll—such as American Girl, Our Generation, Newberry, My Twinn—or we’ll have one you can 'adopt' for the afternoon.

Cost: $10, to cover the cost of materials. Participation is limited to 18 participants. 

An Empty Place at the Table

with Rabbi Fryer Bodzin and Yacov Fruchter

Wednesday, April 17 at 7:45 p.m. 

For many of us, this year for the first time, there will be people no longer sitting at our seder tables with us. We miss them and we continue to grieve for them.

We invite you to take some time out of your physical Pesach preparation and focus on your emotional needs as Pesach approaches.

Join Rabbi Fryer Bodzin and Yacov Fruchter as they help you get ready for a meaningful and heartfelt Pesach with Jewish wisdom texts, as well as tools and imagery for resilience and coping. 

Pesach for Those for Whom There Will Be No Seder

Thursday, April 18 at 8:00 p.m. (via Zoom)

While it may seem like everyone will have a joyous family seder, estrangement and other difficult family situations may mean that many of us will not have that experience. Join us on Zoom for an honest, constructive session on how to cope.

No charge but RSVPs are required to access the Zoom link.