
A Dreamy Family Shabbat Experience and Dinner

Dec 15 2023, 5:15PM to 8:00PM in the Herman Hall.
NOTE: This event has already occurred.

Wouldn’t it be a dream if we could extend H̱anukkah one more night? Well, we can’t do that exactly but we can all be together for the first non-H̱anukkah night and explore all about dreams as our theme for Parashat Mikeitz.

Cost for dinner. Pre-registration is required by Friday, December 8 at 12:00 p.m. To register, click HERE. (**registration may close earlier if we reach our maximum capacity**)

Event Details
For Registration:
Synagogue Office
Cost for dinner; Price options available on the registration form
Generously supported by the Flatt Family in memory of Ab Flatt
  • Family Shabbat Experience and Dinner
  • Families