Join BT 20s and 30s Shabbat at our annual Shabbat Shirah dinner with our special musical guest Galeet Dardashti.
We will begin at 6:00 p.m. as a community at our musical Friday night service lead by the Shabbat at the Floor team alongside Galeet Dardashti. Following the Service, 20s and 30s are invited to a Shabbat dinner catered by Apex Kosher where Galeet Dardashti will join us for part of the evening.
Cost for dinner. Pre-registration is required by Sunday, February 2 at 11:00 a.m. Pre-registration is required. To register, click here.
If you have questions, or just want to connect with someone before attending, please contact Yacov Fruchter at 416-781-3514 ext. 279 or
For a taste of our Shabbat at the Floor services, view this short video:
(There is a separate Community Shabbat Dinner for those not part of the 20s and 30s group. To register for the Community dinner, click HERE.)