Beth Tzedec Calendar

Tzingles Games Night

Nov 21 2024, 7:30PM to 9:00PM in the Reuben & Helene Dennis Museum.
NOTE: This event has already occurred.

Play a classic from years gone by or learn a new game—we’ve got hundreds of ’em, or smack some Mah Jong tiles down. We even have games for people who hate games and just want to sit around talking. 

We’ll be serving snacks, hot drinks and dessert, so RSVPing to is appreciated—we don’t want to run out of food! 

If you’d like to function as the Game Master of a particular game—teaching the rules, getting people excited about the game, etc., let Penina know. Please be sure to mention which game. 

And Tzingles, this is the event to bring tons of friends to—it’s free and there’s room for all. 

Tzingles Connections is Beth Tzedec's social group for singles ages 55 to 74

Event Details
For Registration:
Penina Hoffnung
No charge
  • Beth Tzedec Tzingles Connections
  • Seniors
  • Adults