
Your Support is Needed
Mar 29th 2016

As we plan for the arrival of the Syrian refugee family we are sponsoring, we have identified three ways our community can help them integrate and adjust to life in Toronto:

  1. Housing—We are looking for an affordable two- or three-bedroom apartment in the Lawrence and DVP area of the city. If you own, manage or are aware of a building with a vacancy, please contact me.
  2. Electronics—We are in need of smartphones, laptops and flatscreen televisions.
  3. Employment—If you are aware of or able to provide jobs in contracting, HVAC or other similar skilled-labour positions, let me know.
You can reach me by phone at 416-781-3514 ext. 279 or by email, or leave a message for me with the Synagogue office at 416-781-3511.