Some ideas to help make Shavuot a fun time in your home!
Crafts, recipes and discussions can go a long way to helping make Shavuot more meaningful for the whole family.
- Help your family recognize that Shavuot is coming. We count the Omer—the days between Passover and Shavuot. Make a family Omer counting chart and count it together at dinner time.
- On Shavuot, it is customary to eat dairy because it was a time when we weren’t yet given the laws of Kashrut. Have a family discussion about what being kosher means to you. Are there new rules you would add? Why?
- Do a family cheesecake tasting. Make or buy a variety of cheesecakes and rank the best ones. (Please share winning recipes with me!)
- Make ice cream in a bag! (It’s so easy and fun.) Here is a link with instructions.
- Make a Family Ten Commandments. It can outline rules of the house and what is important to your family.
- Try making this Ten Commandments origami.
- Shavuot is known as a time to stay up all night studying. Stay up later than normal and pick something interesting to study as a family. (One suggestion could be reading the narrative of the receiving of the Ten Commandments—Exodus Chapter 19-20.)
- Read the story of Ruth which is traditionally read on Shavuot.
- Get creative with food: Use food as a tool to educate and engage. Try making these Mount Sinai Muffins!
- PJ Library has wonderful stories for Shavuot. Sign up to receive one free book a month and check out their list of Shavuot-related books.