Israeli Rabbinical student, high school teacher and PhD joins us in March.
This year, the Anne and Max Tanenbaum Fellow will be Dr. Naomi Dar. She is a rabbinical student at the Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies in Israel. She is a high school biology teacher at Meitarim Ra’anana, a pluralistic high school. Naomi holds a PhD in Philosophy of Evolution and has published a book on that subject.
Dr. Dar has been a Legacy Fellow, among a select group of future rabbis chosen to establish Masorti communities. She is a founding member of Kehilat Yedid Nefesh in Modi’in and is a former president of the community. Naomi lives in Modi’in with her teenage son, Ariel.
The Tanenbaum Fellowship was established by the late Anne Tanenbaum z”l to provide support for the training of Conservative rabbis from Canada for North American congregations and Masorti rabbis for Israel. The Fellowship provides a significant bursary for one year of study at the Schechter Institute (for Israelis) or the Jewish Theological Seminary (for Canadians). Tanenbaum Fellows come to Beth Tzedec for two weeks of intensive training under the guidance of our rabbinic staff. They also spend two weeks at Camp Ramah Canada living with our campers and sharing their knowledge with young people from Canada and the United States.
Naomi will be in training at Beth Tzedec from March 8 to 23. During that time she will “shadow” our rabbis, participate in various programs and teach on Shabbat and in our daily minyan.