Beth Tzedec Bulletin - Summer Edition
The latest edition of the Beth Tzedec Bulletin is available for download. Let's celebrate, learn, pray and connect as a community with the many opportunities offered throughout our quarterly catalogue of programs, events and articles.
Don't miss any of the news and opportunities, including:
- Beth Tzedec Israel Experience Trip (page 2);
- High Holy Days Honours (page 4)
- A Message from the President, Don Smith (pg 5)
- Body and Soul Summer Walking Group (pg 15)
- Our Yasher Koach Award Recipients (pg 18);
- Summer Program Guide (pages 26 & 27);
- Yizkor Memorial Book submissions form (pg 41)
...and plenty more!
To view the Bulletin, click HERE.
The Bulletin is fully digital and interactive, allowing you to directly link to information on our website or to make inquiries, reservations or donations from the articles and ads you are viewing. Hyperlinks to emails or registration forms are indicated by orange-coloured text; most graphics and images link directly to event listings on our website.